Sunday, April 30, 2017

Event 1

Brochure for Career Fair
Booth at Career Fair
For my event I went to UC Davis’s 3rd Annual Design Career Fair. This was very interesting and gave me a whole new insight into this field and this profession. I am currently a pre med student but take a lot of interest in the field of arts. By going to this career
fair it was very different and refreshing to see such a different attitude towards life. This event reminded me of our first week blog assignment. If remembered, we had talked about the two differences between the worlds of science and art. Being from such a science background and by going to this career fair, I was able to see first hand the world of design and art.

I spoke with students whose majors were such like, media and design or art and design and even architecture. There was one internship that was actually very intriguing to me, which was the architectural design one. I usually see architecture more in the subject fields of engineering and math and before this event I never really saw how it’s actually in the field of design. Architecture is dealt with design and one of the people I spoke with(on the left) had his own architecture company (brochure on the right) and dealt with interior designing, and remodeling,  I really like house designs and interior designing. He even showed us how they use computer-programming designs to easily change and make designs to the buyer’s design. Sometimes I wonder if I wasn’t pursuing medicine I would probably go into design. This career fair really helped me secure my back up plan as a sense of comfort that there are so many other jobs and professions even in the field of art and design. I would definitely recommend this event to my fellow classmates because those who are in the design field can greatly benefit from all the job opportunities and the internships, and even if one is not in this field it's good to see outside of your major. It's always good to look outside your own circle of academics and learn more about other majors and what they contribute in school and the outside world.  

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