Sunday, April 30, 2017

Event 1

Brochure for Career Fair
Booth at Career Fair
For my event I went to UC Davis’s 3rd Annual Design Career Fair. This was very interesting and gave me a whole new insight into this field and this profession. I am currently a pre med student but take a lot of interest in the field of arts. By going to this career
fair it was very different and refreshing to see such a different attitude towards life. This event reminded me of our first week blog assignment. If remembered, we had talked about the two differences between the worlds of science and art. Being from such a science background and by going to this career fair, I was able to see first hand the world of design and art.

I spoke with students whose majors were such like, media and design or art and design and even architecture. There was one internship that was actually very intriguing to me, which was the architectural design one. I usually see architecture more in the subject fields of engineering and math and before this event I never really saw how it’s actually in the field of design. Architecture is dealt with design and one of the people I spoke with(on the left) had his own architecture company (brochure on the right) and dealt with interior designing, and remodeling,  I really like house designs and interior designing. He even showed us how they use computer-programming designs to easily change and make designs to the buyer’s design. Sometimes I wonder if I wasn’t pursuing medicine I would probably go into design. This career fair really helped me secure my back up plan as a sense of comfort that there are so many other jobs and professions even in the field of art and design. I would definitely recommend this event to my fellow classmates because those who are in the design field can greatly benefit from all the job opportunities and the internships, and even if one is not in this field it's good to see outside of your major. It's always good to look outside your own circle of academics and learn more about other majors and what they contribute in school and the outside world.  

Week 4: Medicine and Art

Surgeon and Artists -left Surgeon, Right artist. (2010)
My major is Cognitive Science and I will be graduating this spring with a Bachelor in Science. I am very happy of this accomplishment and my ultimate goal is to become a physician. As of right now I am pre med but I really enjoy art and always have. I find science, especially medical science and art to have always coincided. The human body and brain is a type of art. Surgeons have artistic hands, which is why they are able to perform such great surgeries. The process of surgery requires great attention to detail, focus and precision. This is also what a great artist does while creating masterpieces.

Engineers make robotic arm for girl to play violin (2017)
There have been many new technological advances in the field of medicine. One of them is known as the robotic arm. People who suffer from a shortage of a limb could have this surgically implants in them in the place of that limb. This is very beneficial because it allows those people to live their lives normally. They do not have shortages in their ability to do something. It takes time to get used to the arm or leg, but with physical therapy, there are successful outcomes. It’s amazing how this piece of art, this technology can change people’s lives. Technology comes from someone’s imagination of what they aspire in the future. Then these artistic thoughts and ideas become real through science, math and other concrete subjects.

Facial Deformities Framed her Future (2017)
One other example of the two fields coinciding is Harvard medical student who uses visual arts to demystify medicine. She has congenial birth defects and used visual arts and facial features of art to help her through her life. She soon saw a connection of this to medicine and knew she wanted to become a surgeon one day and help students like her. I find the field of medicine to be so fascinating because there is so much depth in it. But there is also a great deal of artistic input in this field as well that many don’t think about or see. This is why I hope to be a part of two of the things I love, medicine and art.

Works Cited:

Barakat, Matthew. "Engineers made robotic arm for this girl to play the violin". New York Post. p, 1-6. April 2017. Web. 

Blackwell, Deborah. "Facial Deformities framed her future". Harvard Gazette. p,1-3. April 2017. Web.

Tricia Ward. "Arts and Medicine. An Interview with Smithsonian Secretary Dr. David Skorton". p, 1-6. April, 2017. Web. 

Vesna, Victoria. Medicine Body Lecture. Video. 26 Oct 2012.

Vesna, Victoria. “Medicine and Art: Part 2.” YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. <>.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Week 3 Blog

Art has been introduced to the world in a more complex way than script has. There has been art that was created in paper and then paintings and then and with time sculpture and 3D art. Based on the readings it was shown that a new type of art came to be to which was known as digital art. Just like Frederick Jameson, said in the readings, that it took a lot of time and getting used to for him to accept that art can come from videos as well.

Woman using virtual reality. Digital Arts Online, 2017.
Industrialization can mean both good and bad. The evolution brought about by Darwin says that if people do not adapt then they soon become extinct. This is kind of how industrialization works. In the readings by Walter Benjamin he talks about how industrializing art brought about a very profound change in the public. When art is recreated like this it loses one important factor, which is time and space. However there is greatness that comes from it as well. There is a sense of uniqueness that comes 
IMAX 3D Movie Cinema, 2010. 
from digital art, a new perspective is shown. Those that do not adjust to the technological advances soon start to find their surroundings very difficult. Instead of reading about the news in newspapers, now we have apps for these news updates and it allows us to see videos of the news and more insight of what occurs. If people don't adapt to the new and changing lifestyles then it becomes hard for them to live their regular daily lives. 

One line from the reading talks about Einstein and how he believed that imagination is sometimes more important than the knowledge we have. His logic made sense because he said that knowledge could be capped of what we know and don’t know. However imagination is limitless. That is where the inspiration of digital art comes from. We have an idea of something and then we interpret that into real life images. To me, the best of digital art is cinema and movies. These are stories that have come to life from someone’s idea. Digital art is one’s imagination coming to life.

Star Wars
We are able to influence our thoughts and imaginations into things that have never been created before. When we think about the unknown we can recreate that through movies. Many decades ago was the start of introducing new technological advances. One famous movies for this case was Star Wars. This movies was taken place in the future with robots. Fast forwarding to 2017, we have started the built of robots in small devices, like vacuums, phones and other devices. Give it only a couple more decades and new movie plots, where robots will soon be a much greater part of our society. 


Benjamin, Walter. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. London: Penguin, 2008. Print.
Kristie.Mass-produced Art at Ikea. Digital image. Swedish Freak. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012.< to an external site.>.

[1] Davis, Douglas. “The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction.” The MIT Press, 1995. Web. 19 Oct. 2012. <>.

Gillmor, Allison. A digital Paintbrush. Winning Free Press. April 2017. Web.

Hobson, Ben. “Digital Art is starting to be taken seriously”. Dezeen. Feb 2015. Web.

Vesna,Victoria. “Lecutre Part 2.” Math + Art. 12 Oct. 2012. Lecture.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Week 2 Blog

Mathematics is known to be very numerical and that’s it. Many don’t see the fourth spectrum of it as the readings had revealed. The reading stated that the fourth dimension also supported bold experimentation by those painters who did not reject visual experience. This made me think a little more of about what math truly is. Math, combined with art is known to be a new phenomenon many don’t consider. The entire mathematical concept if we think about it, is art. The numbers in which we use and the way we have made rules to make the numbers mean something and have correct and incorrect answers is something amazing as well. The article also talks about cubists and their 3D sculptures and how there is geometrical mathematics involved in that.

(OT 2: Comparison of Major Two-Dimensional Geometries. Smith, The Nature of Mathematics, p. 501)

A famous engraver Albrecht Durer made many references in mathematics in his work of Melencolia I. He had made a compass to reflect geometry, and had his measurements be indicated by scales and hourglass. This also shows that the two fields of art and math are very historic and have been used during the ancient times. It also shows proof that mathematics and art have had a connection together since even then to produce great works of art. If we start with something small and never expand on it then we won't be able to learn more more from it. For example, if we just used math to add and subtract numbers then we would still be using that as only that. However, because now we have other formulas and shapes and sizes incorporated in math we slowly have been able to see the correlation between math and art. Geometry is known to have shapes and then we incorporate formulas to them. This is the same mechanism famous artists used to use, as well as Durer.

(Mathematics in art: Albert Durer's copper plate engraving Melencolia I, 1514)

Egyptians also used to incorporate mathematics in art. Actually, they have been known to still do this. Many of their ancient art work that is still present in Egypt today has been able to reflect this. Other middle eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia, and Turkey also have such great architecture that has incorporated mathematics in it as well. 
(Egyptian architectural math)

It’s amazing that such different fields of art and science can come together and produce such great work. The field of mathematics is known to be very concrete and not have my different views to it. However on the contrary, the field of art is very flexible and is known to have many dimensions to it. When we put the two together we are able to form a fourth dimension, which allows for a more in depth and new aspect of looking at the two.

Abbott, Edwin. “Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions.” N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2012. <>.
Henderson, Linda. “The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art: Conclusion.” MIT Press. 17.3 (1984): 205-10. Print.

Paul Calter. "Early Twentieth Century, Geometric Art", Dartmouth College. Web. 1998. 

Vesna, Victoria. “Math + Art.” Lecture 2.